Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lovro 101

You're probably a colleague who knows exactly what I am trying to do here, but just in case you are a stranger who, due to an unfortunate turn of events, clicked a wrong link in the deep dark web, and stumbled upon my blog, here are couple of things you should know about me.

My name is Lovro Mikulić. I am in the final year of my undergraduate studies at Zagreb School of Economics and Management. I am focusing on Marketing, both research and practical work. Therefore I find myself enjoying employment as an Research Assistant, just as I did at my last job as a company's Marketing Department Assistant. I hope, as my dream job, to find myself between those two simultaneously. I am maintaining this blog for the purpose of exploring and sharing business ideas with my classmates and potential partners in developing a business plan.

I love to dance - do breakdance and acrobatics to be exact. I've done it almost my entire life, and I enjoy it immensely. I am not very great at it, since I never actually had a trainer to teach me, but a group of us taught ourselves, and then started teaching younger generations. That is the point at which I discovered another thing I like - teaching. Overall, I guess we weren't bad since, several times, we were invited to perform on the national basketball tourney halftime.
I am also passionate about movies. Good movies. Not those made to be a background noise while you are cooking, but, for example, those of my favourite director - Quentin Tarantino.

In my free time, you can't find me, because I probably went for a walk in the nearby woods behind my apartment to read and relax.

Allow me to give you a tour of my mindflow.

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