Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Entrepreneur Profile

Five Sustainable Development Goals I deem most important:

1. Global Partnerships
2. Gender Equality
3. Marine Life
4. Safe Cities
5. Employment

I chose Global Partnerships as a number one priority, because I believe that a true global partnership (not plural) would cause a domino effect that could solve any problems we, as a humanity, are facing or would face (Including almost every one of the 17 SDGs)
Primarily we are caring about our fellow citizens and wishing them well, helping them. Wishing our city to do well and prosper. Then we care a bit less for the entire nation to do same. Then less for the entire region, continent... The further away people from us are, the less familiar to us they are - the less we care. Once people would primarily feel as human specie, and not a New Yorker/Chinese/European, they would idealistically care more for anyone anywhere. They wouldn't think that that starving little girl from Africa isn't their problem. Then, when they hear that there are people in this world who don't even have access to clean water, they would feel that that is unacceptable and would try to do something about it. I believe global partnership(s), that would be to come, would make us all feel like one, and not a certain nation next to another. I understand these views are highly idealistic and naive, but I tried to ask myself to what, in theory, would be the most important goal.
Next four sustainable development goals I chose are those which, by my opinion, mentioned "global unity" would affect ("fix") the least. Therefore, we would have to focus on them more actively. Gender Equality because of obvious reasons, Marine life because polluting oceans pollutes everything else as well. Safe Cities because I believe that feeling safe is a basic human right, and finally Employment, because all people should have a chance at earning a decent living.

Entrepreneur I chose is Boyan Slat

Concerned young man who is, by every indication, on the right track of accomplishing his goal, which is cleaning over 50% of the world's waste plastic in the ocean in only 10 years. That is just one man's idea, fixing an entire world's problem. He is an inventor of a system that uses given sea currents to concentrate waste plastic into his system of connected booms and platforms, which then recycle the plastic. The system basically functions like a fish net stick, but a fish swims in the net on its own. This project, "The Ocean Cleanup" has its "traps" placed onto 5 world current hotspots. In other words, 5 places where most of the ocean waste plastic accumulates.

Entrepreneur, presented by my colleague, also got me thinking...

My dear colleague Daliborka's presentation of an entrepreneur Shai Reshef got me thinking how I too could be a part of such university which provides a free online education for students in developing countries. So far they are teaching computer science and business administration, which fits my education and credentials to teach at least the basics. I do love teaching, as I already mentioned, so it sounded like a fitting way for me to give back.

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